Welcome to Ranger's Pet Outpost and Retreat®
Welcome to Ranger's Pet Outpost and Retreat®
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Thank you for your interest in enrolling with Ranger's Pet Outpost and Retreat®. The enrollment process is simple. Once the process is fully completed you will be able to make reservations for services – based on availability of course. Enrollment is conducted in person to verify documentation, answer question and review content. The steps for enrollment are as follows:
Enrollment is only required once and to keep your registration active you just have to continue to use our services - at least once - in every year following your initial registration. If you lapse in services usage - you will be required to repeat the enrollment process - during an open enrollment period.
Add a new pet - If you are a active current registered client and you get a new pet - you can add your new pet to your account at any time. You don't have to wait for an open enrollment period to - add your new pet.
Please keep us informed - please notify us of updates in your pets health and welfare needs, vaccination updates, change in contact information, caretakers and emergency contacts.
Sun Pet Care, Inc. requires all pets entering the facility, for any service, must be current on a set of core vaccinations.
Feline Leukemia
Canines that have received regular Bordetella and Canine Influenza vaccination are still at risk of contracting these infections. For further information regarding illnesses and vaccinations we recommend you consult with your veterinarian.
Vaccination records may be faxed to (407) 622-5197 or
emailed to rangers@rangerspetoutpost.com
Please verify and follow through with vaccine updates.
Reservation wait list. In the event any of our services are full we will begin a reservation wait list. If you elect to be placed on a wait list – this does not guarantee the requested service will become available. Only when a confirmed reservation is cancelled can we offer a client on the wait list an accommodation.
Lodging space is limited. We recommend making all non-holiday lodging reservation at least two (2) weeks in advance of desired lodging dates. We recommend making summer vacation / holiday lodging reservations at least eight (8) weeks in advance of desired lodging dates.
All Holiday Lodging Reservations require an advance deposit. Holiday deposits are refundable up to 14 days prior to the holiday for which they are made. Lodging Reservation Deposits become non-refundable / non-transferable, for any reason including - an act of God, within 14 days prior to the holiday for which the reservation is made.
Daycare Reservation Cancellation. If you have a reoccurring daycare appointment and you are not bringing your dog, you must cancel this reservation before 7:00 am the day of reservation. IF YOU DO NOT CANCEL YOUR BOOKED DAYCARE RESERVATION YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THIS RESERVATION.
All pets entering the facility must be on a regular flea / tick preventative.
You are required to control your pet at all times, on a leash or in a pet carrier,
when entering and leaving any Sun Pet Care, Inc. Property.
You are solely responsible for your pet’s behavior and any damages
or injuries resulting from your pet’s actions.
When bringing support item (food or medication) for your pets we ask you to refrain from bringing glass items including containers, bottles, cups, scoops or spoons.
Our parking and lobby area will be much safer and our staff can provide
better service if everyone refrains from cell phone usage - THANK YOU.
To maintain a safe parking area we ask that you remain alert and drive with caution at all times.
Payment is due before or upon completion of any service. Sun Pet Care, Inc. reserves the right to adjust fees for services without notice. Prices are subject to change. Sun Pet Care, Inc. accepts Cash, Debit Cards, VISA, MASTER CARD, DISCOVER, AMERICAN EXPRESS and Personal/Business Checks (with proper identification) as tender for services rendered.
You may place a credit or debit card on-file for services.
Your Credit/Debit Card will be charged for services if no other form of payment is presented at the time services are completed. Placing a credit or debit card on file indicates that you authorize Sun Pet Care, Inc. to charge the credit or debit card on file for completed services or for a deposit/prepayment of specified services (i.e. Daycare Packages, Holiday Boarding Deposits, etc.). Contact a member of our front desk staff for assistance with placing credit or debit card on file.
A surcharge of 3.00% will be applied to purchases paid with a credit card. The surcharge is not greater than the cost of acceptance of credit cards. Surcharge adjustments will appear on credit card receipts. A surcharge is not be applied to debit cards. Any purchases made with a debit card, cash or check will not include a surcharge. Please ask for assistance if you would like to update your payment method to a debit card.
To protect the health and well-being of your pet/s, other pets,
our staff and clients - Sun Pet Care, Inc. reserves the right to
immediately cancel, refuse or suspend any and all services.
Here are helpful forms and information including: Service Agreement, Operational Calendar, Hurricane Policy
Reservations are required for all services. Business hours are subject to change without notice. Prices are subject to change. Copyright © 2020 Ranger's Pet Outpost and Retreat® is a division of Sun Pet Care, Inc.- All Rights Reserved.
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